Wish List
You can help Camp Scully give our campers the experience of a lifetime! If you or someone you know would like to make a gift towards our Wish List, please contact Colin at 518-283-1617.
This little girl would love it if you could help make her Camp even better.
$5 Coffee mugs
$5 Stuffed animals
$5 Small kids toys - matchbox cars, action figures, playing cards etc.
$15 Paint - any color, left over from painting the house?
$15 Children's books & games & movies
$35 Waffle makers
$50 Fish Tank
$50 Scuba mask (4 needed - for waterfront rescue)
$80 General lumber, nails and screws - anything left over from that home project?
$100 Picnic Tables
$120 Climbing Rope
$150 6 Person Tent
$300 Roofing Materials
$375 Aqua Volleyball
$3500 Giant's Ladder (High Rope's Course Element)
$5000 Zip Line
We can always use:
Costumes: Halloween costumes, prom dresses, old suits, wedding gowns, masks, unique hats etc.
Arts and Crafts: Any craft supplies, paints, brushes and pens always welcome.
Lumber: Long or short, hardwood or softwood, sheets or 2x4's - we'd love it.
Nature: Skulls, bones, furs, books and posters etc.