You will be living in a cabin with your campers. There isn’t air conditioning or soft carpeting, but you'll feel a breeze from the lake and hear the crickets' songs; you'll roast marshmallows and listen to kids tell outrageous stories; you'll hike through forests searching for the perfect place for your campers to build a fort. Soon you'll forget about some of the comforts of home that seemed so necessary just days before. And you will have been offered the gift of being present with over 30 of your peers (soon to be new, best-friends) working together towards a goal greater than yourself.
You love children. At Camp Scully, you will not be a parent or supervisor to the children in your care. You will be their role model, mentor and friend. You will be a positive force in hundreds of children's lives. The smallest ripple will start something great. You may not even know it when it happens, but any one of your thousands of interactions with campers this summer could be a game changer, leading them on to extraordinary things.
The days will be long, they will be hot and we may get lots of rain, but the memories created here will echo in your mind the rest of your life.
Many of your friends will be pushing paper and doing menial tasks as they fulfill the obligations of their internships this summer. Camp Scully's counselors will be learning real marketable skills that will make them more attractive to future employers. If you have doubts about this, please read below and contact the Camp Director with any questions.
Camp is the place to develop the skills needed to succeed in the 21st century, especially the non-cognitive skills.
Oral Communication
Teamwork and Collaboration
These skills are nurtured and found in great quantities at camp. You will come out of the summer with an over abundance of these skills in relation to your peers who spent their time in less demanding office positions.
We will help you build the narrative that will land that future job—pretty much anywhere. Is there a place where those skills aren’t needed?